Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I Found SigZag Again

 I lost track of SigZag but spent time looking today and found it again. Another link via SourceForge, good to have a backup.

SigZag is an email signature editor, and a text editor for ascii art. It contains a collection of almost 7000 ascii art pictures, and allows each picture to be positioned anywhere on the page, seperate to the actual text.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

ArtCode - ASCII Art Webring

What is ASCII Arts Web Ring?

Quite simply, ASCII art consists of pictures produced using text. The name "ASCII" designates the American Standard index which maps letters (and other "characters") to unique numbers. For a deeper understanding of ASCII art, you should probably just begin browsing the sites on the ASCII Arts Ring. You can enter the collection at a random point by clicking here.

ASCII Arts Ring consists of sites that feature ASCII art. They are linked together using a "navigator" that each member site adds to his/her pages.

Project History

In Y2K, when the old ASCII Arts Web Ring was absorbed into the company Yahoo!, a need was created for a new, non-commercial alternative. The ASCII Arts Ring is intended to provide the functionality of a Web ring without the parasitic commercialism.


Basically, there are just a few rules. First, your site must not infringe other people's intellectual property. Works shown must be original or shown by consent of the (credited) artist. Second, you must continue to display the "control panel" on your website in a manner that is readily accessible to people who are navigating from one member site to the next. This means using visible color schemes, reasonably sized text, etc.

Your site will be reviewed when you register to join the ASCII Arts Ring, and your site will not be added if it does not already contain the necessary HTML code (it is provided to you when you register). Significant alteration of your site's content and obscure placement of the "control panel" are against the rules. Of course you can use your best judgment when redesigning your pages, but bear in mind that the every member site must make it possible for people to find and use the navigation mechanism.

If you feel that a site that is part of the ASCII Arts Ring is not complying with these principles, please register your complaint, indicating the URL of the site. The maintainer of the site will be notified and given a week to make adjustments. If at any time you would like to unregister from the ASCII Arts Ring, you may do that here.

Technical issues and HOWTO

In order to be a member of the ASCII Arts Web Ring you must first have your own website featuring information relevant to the ASCII Arts movement. Once you have a site, you can proceed to register your URL. This means that a volunteer editor will review the site to make sure it is appropriate for the ASCII Arts Web Ring, and that you have correctly placed the HTML code for the "control panel" on your site. This code will be given to you when you register through the browser, and it will also be sent to the email address you give. The code snippet will contain an ID number that is specific to your site, so you must include the code exactly as it is given to you.

ArtCode - ASCII Art Links

  A minimalist ASCII webcomic featuring office and geek humor.
ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
  ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
The Sunny Spot
  An introduction to ASCII Art images with tutorials, and links.
Sherry's Corner
  A collection of my sketches, drawings, and doodles.
David Palmer's ASCII Art
  A collection of original ascii art pictures.
Nekoko To Issho Archives [Japanese]
  Although not strictly ASCII art, this site features collections of stories and images made with combinations of ASCII and Japanese (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, etc.) Mona Kikkomaso Spidermaso with ASCII art characters!
ASCII Art Ensemble
  Homebase of deep.ascii and other fun.
  EDASCII is an ASCII art editor for Linux written in Tcl/Tk. It allows fast and easy manipulation of ASCII drawings. FEATURES: 8 color images; Cut, copy and paste part of the image; Scale image; Rotate image; Flip image; and more.

Lorrie's ASCII
  An indexed-by-subject collection of my original ASCII art in html color for viewing pleasure.
  Personal site with many pages.
t2Eservo's Game Cheating Blog
  Information about ASCII art, links, and more, including NFO files.
ASCII of Mass Destruction
  An artist's interpretation of Iraqi nuclear research documents released by the U.S. government.
Icontext and other works
  Icontext is an online art project that lets you make your own ASCII images. There's also an archive.
Incredible Art Department
  The ultimate visual arts resource for teachers, parents, students, and homeschoolers.
ASCII Art Generator and Pictures
  ASCII Art Generator and Gallery. Convert image files to ASCII or view ASCII art. Categories include cartoon characters, animals, angels, peoples, sport, animations.
Ilmari Karonen's ASCII Art & Tools
  A small collection of original ASCII pictures by Ilmari Karonen (itz). Also features ascflip, a tool for rotating and mirroring ASCII pictures.

Galeria Ascii
  Mega galeria asciiart animation.
JavE - Java ASCII Versatile Editor
  Take 2 teaspoons of Notepad, add a tablespoon of Paint Shop Pro and mix it with a cup of Emacs. Add a pinch of knowledge about ASCII Art and the result is: JavE :-)
ASCII Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise)
  A large collection of Ascii pictures by various artists. Some of my own art, some ASCII animations and of course information, links, etc.
  8bit music website, pixel art / ASCII art
Chickenman - an asciimated comic strip
  The asciimated adventures of the hero, Chickenman, and his trusty sidekick, Red Ted.
Nerd Boy
  A daily updated on-line ASCII comic strip.
PAT or JK's Text ASCII Art Generator
  An online web application that allows you to type in large ASCII Art text in real time.
Japanese Ascii Art
  Portraits and figure drawings that use ASCII characters as well as some Japanese characters. Note: includes Hentai (adult) imagery.

Nero's ASCII Art Page
  Looking for ASCII Art Explanations or Examples? Then Click on my link. I have some of my own pictures and links to the best ASCII pages I could find. EnJoY -~:{ NERO }:~-
My ASCII drawings
  Some original pieces of ascii art created by Michele Cerulli (MC)
Weird Wonderful Wacky World of Ascii Art
  Take a look, Enjoy yourself, Have fun.
Les Caribouteries
  Containing both ASCII comics (called "Caribouteries") and cartoons (called "Mangaribous"), this 99.5% French site displays a whole set of ASCII arts all dedicated to one thing : the Caribou (yes, the animal) !
ASCII Sandbox
  Random ASCII drawings, including animated GIF and JMOV ASCII movies. It's really a swell little spot, and now with 50% less calories!
Gridworks Blog
  Art, ASCII drawings, video
ASCII Art by =jf=
  A collection of my own drawings. Excuse me, some parts are in German.
ASCII Art by Sebastian St
  A collection of my ASCII Art pictures which I posted in de.alt.rec.ascii-art

  A website that emalglobaltes everything that exists in ASCII including art, programming, history, articles, techniques and tutorials and the likes.
Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Geekiness
  An ASCII webcomic featuring three geek roomies and their escapades. Updated MWF.
My Little Place (Polish language)
  Gallery of ASCII-Art in a weblog form.

ArtCode - Directory

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ASCII Arts Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
 Artists Collections
 Comics Information
 Tools Culture
 Groups Blogs


ArtCode - Collections

Sites 1-4 of 4
The Sunny Spot
  An introduction to ASCII Art images with tutorials, and links.
Nekoko To Issho Archives [Japanese]
  Although not strictly ASCII art, this site features collections of stories and images made with combinations of ASCII and Japanese (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, etc.) Mona Kikkomaso Spidermaso with ASCII art characters!
Japanese Ascii Art
  Portraits and figure drawings that use ASCII characters as well as some Japanese characters. Note: includes Hentai (adult) imagery.
ASCII Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise)
  A large collection of Ascii pictures by various artists. Some of my own art, some ASCII animations and of course information, links, etc.

ArtCode - Information

Sites 1-3 of 3
  A website that emalglobaltes everything that exists in ASCII including art, programming, history, articles, techniques and tutorials and the likes.
t2Eservo's Game Cheating Blog
  Information about ASCII art, links, and more, including NFO files.
Roy/SAC ASCII and ANSI Text art
  Homepage of text artist Roy of the art scene group Superior Art Creations. Full collection of his art is available, also other ASCII art and ANSI art related resources, including a Blog.

ArtCode - Culture

Sites 1-2 of 2
ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
  ASCII Art Enterprise NCC-1701, c. 1974
  8bit music website, pixel art / ASCII art